Avian Influenza (BIRD FLU) Our method of avoiding this virus was..... Lately often was reported dimedia the mass about his danger avian influenza or more was known with bird flu bird flu. Moreover could be said, now bird flu could be said as the spectre of the world. This was caused did not yet have medicine that was effective for this flu recuperation. The virus that attacked this was spread by the poultry, that notabene was main food for some people but also as the source of the livelihood. So as to become the very frightening spectre, was caused the poultry personally had the high mobility (red, birds) so as his spreading also could easily, when we did not know methods of avoiding him. Everything was reported also that this virus also attacked the dog and the cat. How tips n the method of avoiding him?
1. The short Avian history influenza of – Flu Burung in fact not a new matter, this flu has been since 100 years ago, was found the first time in Italia, and in accordance with his name then, this virus only attacked was limited to the poultry not to humankind. The infection was to these birds caused by a kind of influenza virus tie A the sub-type H5 and H7. This virus was the first time found attacked humankind in Hong Kong in 1997, in 2003 spread in Vietnam but also to Indonesia. Moreover immediately already many falling casualties were caused by this virus. The influenza virus was divided into 3 types, that is the A type virus, the B type and the C type with several sub-types. The virus that now attacked to humankind was the virus that bertipe A the sub-type H5N1. This virus was easy bermutasi so as to be not yet found appropriate medicine, so as when attacking humankind could result in fatal. Could be mentioned highly pathogenic avian influenza was caused by the sufferer's mortality rate that could
2. The sign
● to Unggas
– the Poultry was sick and not appetite. The certain case was found also the poultry at once died. – Unggas that was attacked by this virus could be seen in the cock's comb changed to changed pale or coloured blue, was caused by the existence of stemming of blood vessels all over the body. – Ada also the poultry that experienced leleran or pilek.
● to Manusia
– to humankind, his sign like common flu, that is the high fever on 39 Celcius levels and was accompanied pilek. As in the case of to this virus poultry immediately will spread all through the body. So as immediately must be handled, because of could cause the outbreak of blood vessels, even the outbreak of brain blood vessels.
– Kadang we regarded the sign like above was the normal sign, dengue fever then also had the sign that almost same, that is the high fever. Immediately periksakan or konsultasikan to the Hospital or the closest doctor, particularly having the poultry that died suddenly in the house or our neighbour.
1. The short Avian history influenza of – Flu Burung in fact not a new matter, this flu has been since 100 years ago, was found the first time in Italia, and in accordance with his name then, this virus only attacked was limited to the poultry not to humankind. The infection was to these birds caused by a kind of influenza virus tie A the sub-type H5 and H7. This virus was the first time found attacked humankind in Hong Kong in 1997, in 2003 spread in Vietnam but also to Indonesia. Moreover immediately already many falling casualties were caused by this virus. The influenza virus was divided into 3 types, that is the A type virus, the B type and the C type with several sub-types. The virus that now attacked to humankind was the virus that bertipe A the sub-type H5N1. This virus was easy bermutasi so as to be not yet found appropriate medicine, so as when attacking humankind could result in fatal. Could be mentioned highly pathogenic avian influenza was caused by the sufferer's mortality rate that could
2. The sign
● to Unggas
– the Poultry was sick and not appetite. The certain case was found also the poultry at once died. – Unggas that was attacked by this virus could be seen in the cock's comb changed to changed pale or coloured blue, was caused by the existence of stemming of blood vessels all over the body. – Ada also the poultry that experienced leleran or pilek.
● to Manusia
– to humankind, his sign like common flu, that is the high fever on 39 Celcius levels and was accompanied pilek. As in the case of to this virus poultry immediately will spread all through the body. So as immediately must be handled, because of could cause the outbreak of blood vessels, even the outbreak of brain blood vessels.
– Kadang we regarded the sign like above was the normal sign, dengue fever then also had the sign that almost same, that is the high fever. Immediately periksakan or konsultasikan to the Hospital or the closest doctor, particularly having the poultry that died suddenly in the house or our neighbour.
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