SECRET Vocal (singing) THE RIGHT
SECRET Vocal (singing) THE RIGHT
to become a singer in need knowledge of basic vocal techniques
. Where the goal to produce the sounds & melodic tones and beautiful, besides knowing the use of our vocal chords do not really broken.
Elements of vocal technique:
1. Posture
2. Respiratory Diaphragm
3. Sound Formation
4. Articulation Pronunciation
5. Resonance
6. Phrasering
7. Vibrato
That need to be noticed in the singing voice for singing that is not the same as a voice in everyday conversations.
Voice for singing requires the management of the high tones of low, rythem a uniform. Therefore there are some things that need to be noticed in singing.
1. Body attitude, standing or sitting can be done in singing. Should not be stiff and tense, his hands there should be no burden and disturb the chest cavity, should be relaxed and free.
2. Breathing is the most important element in singing. Taking the air as much as possible and remove them sparingly and slowly. Chest and abdominal breathing is not good because it is very shallow and may not be durable or quickly exhausted. This is a good respiratory diaphragm used to sing, because it can pull in breathing is deeper and can last longer. The most effective breathing exercise that is with a hissing sound or with a notation. It should be in the know that breathing is difficult in the set and the master when in a state:
• Less Healthy
• anxiety, fear, and sadness
• Lack of concentration due to stage fright
3. Establishment of sound
a. Organ Sound
When the voice in the larynx there is a human voice source.
Beep sound derived from the membrane, there are 2 kinds of noise and ringing. That some kind of fricative sounds eruption of the membrane, frequency fricative is not regular. While the tone of our voice that was singing was loud, since membrane stretched flat and balanced voice to any regular frequency.
Then to get a beautiful voice in singing, ringing sound coming from the membrane should be in though again in a resonant space with a falsetto voice Voice (voice fake).
Falsetto voice should go into resonant cavities of the chest cavity, pharynx cavity, cavity sinuses, oral cavity, the cavity of the head. In this resonant cavities is the sound that comes from the vocal cords in the widening, then in the resonant cavities of this reason, if the voice in vocal techniques to generate sound tones are beautiful.
Sound Processing:
• Shape your mouth with A, I, U, E, O
• Exercise pelemas lips with pi pi pi pi, mo mo mo, mu mu mu
• The position of the tongue - limp on location, not curved, the teeth do not protrude malampaui
4. Articulation (pronunciation)
The words must speak well and clearly. For example ma, pa not be me, moa, pe, POA, etc. A good Speech must use tools that have said we are in the mouth the tongue, teeth, lips and tongue base.
To simplify the utterance of words can be arranged through the oral cavity and tongue and lip position is good.
5. Resonance
Resonance serves to expand and beautify the voice sounded so melodious, loud and charming. Certainly in need of resonance techniques such as set form of the mouth, the position of the lips, tongue position so that a ballot box.
a. A vocal pronunciation
The mouth should be open like a yawning again, somewhat tongue is drawn into the tip of the tongue touching the lower teeth.
b. Pronunciation vocal E
In the open mouth is smaller than the spoken vocals A, then dilated left and right and in the echoes ring.
c. Pronunciation vocal I
Mouth shape is similar to the form of oral vocal pronunciation E. The difference is the upper lip and lower lip is more on the Close and the voiced echoed.
d. O vocal pronunciation
Mouth opened wide and bit his lip in the second round it off and pull the tongue on the inside.
e. U vocal pronunciations
Mouth open in less than vocals A.
Once we do well then the vocals need to practice voicing consonant letters. Consonants are letters that are not sound and can sound when the letters connect with vocals, therefore in exercise voiced consonants accompanied by vocals. Consonants can be classified into several types:
• The letters of the lips (m, b, p)
• The letters teeth (n, t, d)
• The letters hissing (s, c, z)
• The letters at the ceiling (h, g, k)
6. Phrasering
Rules beheading sentences, or sentence music into sections shorter but still has a sense of unity.
Phrasering consists of two types, namely:
• Phrasering sentences
• sentence Phrasering music
7. Vibrato
Wavy voice (live) in singing, not all sentences songs use vibrato, sometimes plain song or sentence reduced. Excessive vibrato can change the tone and vocals, while the vibrations made up like a cold would give the impression
8. Animism
Music is the universal language of the world. From the music and melodies we can animate the song and had to be learned like his verse, dynamics, melodikanya, tempo, character, and tone base. Especially the song's inspiration if we are able to memorize the songs that will be much more perfect.
The music was beautiful and the music is a universal language, through music we can interpret the meaning and purpose of the song. In other words the music is the language of the world.
With vocal coach we can get many benefits:
a. Correcting your voice and speaking
b. Healthty
c. Enrich Your Imagination
d. Self confident
A. Correcting voice and speaking
Many people who sing and speak with one voice so as to produce an unpleasant talk at the hearing. Talk and can not be controlled with a loud and noisy, with a strained sound position, quickly exhausted and tired, my throat felt dry and hoarse and sang one too many, so many tones produce false (false) with sayings that are not clear. High tones that are not reached and low tones that are not appropriate so as to produce the sound and tone that is not melodious, his voice rough, tired and his vocal cords will be hoarse.
If the damage is often done will lead vocal, this is very dangerous, should be quickly cured by the proper vocal exercises.
B. Healthy
By training the vocals we can help our health and to prevent from many diseases:
- Disease vocal cords
- Asthma
- Disease sinusitis
Benefits of vocal training can cure this disease by the resonance pulse in the sinus cavity. Every day he trained so that the sinus cavities clean of lendiran lendiran-it stuck to the cavity.
- Heart disease
- The disease stress
- Diseases mild stroke
- Younger
C. Enrich Your Imagination
Vocals can add to the power train our imagination, we can create songs, menghayal happily, menghayal with sadness, longing and love.
to become a singer in need knowledge of basic vocal techniques
. Where the goal to produce the sounds & melodic tones and beautiful, besides knowing the use of our vocal chords do not really broken.
Elements of vocal technique:
1. Posture
2. Respiratory Diaphragm
3. Sound Formation
4. Articulation Pronunciation
5. Resonance
6. Phrasering
7. Vibrato
That need to be noticed in the singing voice for singing that is not the same as a voice in everyday conversations.
Voice for singing requires the management of the high tones of low, rythem a uniform. Therefore there are some things that need to be noticed in singing.
1. Body attitude, standing or sitting can be done in singing. Should not be stiff and tense, his hands there should be no burden and disturb the chest cavity, should be relaxed and free.
2. Breathing is the most important element in singing. Taking the air as much as possible and remove them sparingly and slowly. Chest and abdominal breathing is not good because it is very shallow and may not be durable or quickly exhausted. This is a good respiratory diaphragm used to sing, because it can pull in breathing is deeper and can last longer. The most effective breathing exercise that is with a hissing sound or with a notation. It should be in the know that breathing is difficult in the set and the master when in a state:
• Less Healthy
• anxiety, fear, and sadness
• Lack of concentration due to stage fright
3. Establishment of sound
a. Organ Sound
When the voice in the larynx there is a human voice source.
Beep sound derived from the membrane, there are 2 kinds of noise and ringing. That some kind of fricative sounds eruption of the membrane, frequency fricative is not regular. While the tone of our voice that was singing was loud, since membrane stretched flat and balanced voice to any regular frequency.
Then to get a beautiful voice in singing, ringing sound coming from the membrane should be in though again in a resonant space with a falsetto voice Voice (voice fake).
Falsetto voice should go into resonant cavities of the chest cavity, pharynx cavity, cavity sinuses, oral cavity, the cavity of the head. In this resonant cavities is the sound that comes from the vocal cords in the widening, then in the resonant cavities of this reason, if the voice in vocal techniques to generate sound tones are beautiful.
Sound Processing:
• Shape your mouth with A, I, U, E, O
• Exercise pelemas lips with pi pi pi pi, mo mo mo, mu mu mu
• The position of the tongue - limp on location, not curved, the teeth do not protrude malampaui
4. Articulation (pronunciation)
The words must speak well and clearly. For example ma, pa not be me, moa, pe, POA, etc. A good Speech must use tools that have said we are in the mouth the tongue, teeth, lips and tongue base.
To simplify the utterance of words can be arranged through the oral cavity and tongue and lip position is good.
5. Resonance
Resonance serves to expand and beautify the voice sounded so melodious, loud and charming. Certainly in need of resonance techniques such as set form of the mouth, the position of the lips, tongue position so that a ballot box.
a. A vocal pronunciation
The mouth should be open like a yawning again, somewhat tongue is drawn into the tip of the tongue touching the lower teeth.
b. Pronunciation vocal E
In the open mouth is smaller than the spoken vocals A, then dilated left and right and in the echoes ring.
c. Pronunciation vocal I
Mouth shape is similar to the form of oral vocal pronunciation E. The difference is the upper lip and lower lip is more on the Close and the voiced echoed.
d. O vocal pronunciation
Mouth opened wide and bit his lip in the second round it off and pull the tongue on the inside.
e. U vocal pronunciations
Mouth open in less than vocals A.
Once we do well then the vocals need to practice voicing consonant letters. Consonants are letters that are not sound and can sound when the letters connect with vocals, therefore in exercise voiced consonants accompanied by vocals. Consonants can be classified into several types:
• The letters of the lips (m, b, p)
• The letters teeth (n, t, d)
• The letters hissing (s, c, z)
• The letters at the ceiling (h, g, k)
6. Phrasering
Rules beheading sentences, or sentence music into sections shorter but still has a sense of unity.
Phrasering consists of two types, namely:
• Phrasering sentences
• sentence Phrasering music
7. Vibrato
Wavy voice (live) in singing, not all sentences songs use vibrato, sometimes plain song or sentence reduced. Excessive vibrato can change the tone and vocals, while the vibrations made up like a cold would give the impression
8. Animism
Music is the universal language of the world. From the music and melodies we can animate the song and had to be learned like his verse, dynamics, melodikanya, tempo, character, and tone base. Especially the song's inspiration if we are able to memorize the songs that will be much more perfect.
The music was beautiful and the music is a universal language, through music we can interpret the meaning and purpose of the song. In other words the music is the language of the world.
With vocal coach we can get many benefits:
a. Correcting your voice and speaking
b. Healthty
c. Enrich Your Imagination
d. Self confident
A. Correcting voice and speaking
Many people who sing and speak with one voice so as to produce an unpleasant talk at the hearing. Talk and can not be controlled with a loud and noisy, with a strained sound position, quickly exhausted and tired, my throat felt dry and hoarse and sang one too many, so many tones produce false (false) with sayings that are not clear. High tones that are not reached and low tones that are not appropriate so as to produce the sound and tone that is not melodious, his voice rough, tired and his vocal cords will be hoarse.
If the damage is often done will lead vocal, this is very dangerous, should be quickly cured by the proper vocal exercises.
B. Healthy
By training the vocals we can help our health and to prevent from many diseases:
- Disease vocal cords
- Asthma
- Disease sinusitis
Benefits of vocal training can cure this disease by the resonance pulse in the sinus cavity. Every day he trained so that the sinus cavities clean of lendiran lendiran-it stuck to the cavity.
- Heart disease
- The disease stress
- Diseases mild stroke
- Younger
C. Enrich Your Imagination
Vocals can add to the power train our imagination, we can create songs, menghayal happily, menghayal with sadness, longing and love.
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