Combined the traditional method and modern technology, Cryosurgery became the alternative method of taming cancer. This method also did not need the cost that was not too expensive. The medical world continued to work hard to tame cancer. Various technology were then applied for this deadly illness recuperation. One of them was cryosurgery. Cancer was still becoming the spectre was most frightening. Moreover this illness could also attack everyone, and all the age groups. Indeed the person was above 40 years old had the bigger risk when being compared by the age beneath it. Cancer was the illness that was caused by the growth of the abnormal cell. Generally cancer was not reduced, but had several kinds genetically could be dropped off.
The cause of cancer until this was not yet known definitely. However, there were several factor that it was suspected could increase the risk of the occurrence of cancer. For example like the chemical, like tar to cigarettes, the industrial chemical, the excessive illumination, and several certain viruses (the virus papiloma to humankind). The other trigger factor including giving of the excessive hormone and ransangan took the form of the collision or the friction in one of the body parts in an occurring manner for a long time. The pattern ate that was unhealthy like consumption of food berpengawet and contained colouring agent it was warned could increase the risk of the occurrence of cancer.
Cryosurgery was therapy that combined the traditional and modern method in cancer recuperation. The traditional method that was meant adalh used ice. Medical treatment has with this ice been since 3500 years ago. Ice was used to treat the wound foot, the fracture, and various wounds and the accident.
Sementara pengobatan modern adalah dengan menggunakan cairan nitrogen. Pada tahun 1960-an, cairan nitrogen digunakan untuk mengobati kanker hati dan prostat. Kedua metode pengobatan tersebut lantas digabungkan dalam metode cryosusgery ini.
The cancer cell will die or was damaged in the temperature 40 Celsius levels because of the process of the freezing and the liquefaction of the tumour in there. This broken cancer cell could happen to two methods, that is the fast method and the slow method. The fast method because of the effect of the cooler and the liquid earlier happened denaturasi protein and the membrane of the cancer cell that will cause broke out or destruction of the cancer cell. Or by means of slow, as a result of having blood vessels that experienced damage, like agregasi trombosit. Cryosurgery this could be used for all the cancer kinds, especially prostate cancer, liver cancer, and lung cancer
The cause of cancer until this was not yet known definitely. However, there were several factor that it was suspected could increase the risk of the occurrence of cancer. For example like the chemical, like tar to cigarettes, the industrial chemical, the excessive illumination, and several certain viruses (the virus papiloma to humankind). The other trigger factor including giving of the excessive hormone and ransangan took the form of the collision or the friction in one of the body parts in an occurring manner for a long time. The pattern ate that was unhealthy like consumption of food berpengawet and contained colouring agent it was warned could increase the risk of the occurrence of cancer.
Cryosurgery was therapy that combined the traditional and modern method in cancer recuperation. The traditional method that was meant adalh used ice. Medical treatment has with this ice been since 3500 years ago. Ice was used to treat the wound foot, the fracture, and various wounds and the accident.
Sementara pengobatan modern adalah dengan menggunakan cairan nitrogen. Pada tahun 1960-an, cairan nitrogen digunakan untuk mengobati kanker hati dan prostat. Kedua metode pengobatan tersebut lantas digabungkan dalam metode cryosusgery ini.
The cancer cell will die or was damaged in the temperature 40 Celsius levels because of the process of the freezing and the liquefaction of the tumour in there. This broken cancer cell could happen to two methods, that is the fast method and the slow method. The fast method because of the effect of the cooler and the liquid earlier happened denaturasi protein and the membrane of the cancer cell that will cause broke out or destruction of the cancer cell. Or by means of slow, as a result of having blood vessels that experienced damage, like agregasi trombosit. Cryosurgery this could be used for all the cancer kinds, especially prostate cancer, liver cancer, and lung cancer
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