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Clinical manifestations of INTRA CEREBRAL HEMATOMA

Clinical manifestations of cerebral hematoma INTRA

1. When the hematoma enlarges sufficiently to suppress hemister cerebri, decreased consciousness occur gradually - gradually develops into a coma and death if the bleeding is not excluded
2. When the decreased level of consciousness, pupillary dilatation in these lesions have occurred hemiplegic and contralateral.
3. In an emergency can happen sensory disorders.

In intra-cerebral hemorrhage, due process demanded space will be an increase in intra-cranial pressure.


1. CT. Scan head which is the choice procedure to diagnose the bleeding.
2. angiography may be used if the procedure CT.Scan no result.

TREATMENT FOR PATIENTS intra cerebral hematoma

Patients with intra cerebral hematoma requiring intensive care and need to be dealt with:
1. Oxygen examination.
2. Ensure airway
3. Hemostatika
4. Anti cerebral edema (koralkosteroid, deuretik)
5. Stimulant SPP (nicholin)
6. Anticonvulsants (Dilantin, Valium)
7. Antibiotics for the prevention or treatment of infection
8. handling of the complications that occur
9. Pemdahan surgery for cases such as hematoma, aneurysm, ateria malformations, venous and others - others.

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