Overcame premature ejaculation
the sexual obstacle that quite often was experienced by the men apart from dysfunction ereksi was the premature ejaculation. Was not ready in having sexual relationship, became wrong his cause factor. It is not surprising, if often was male that did not realise if he experienced the premature ejaculation. "Had sexual relationship that needed readiness." Not only the physical matter but also bounced. The premature ejaculation because of the man was not ready to face sexual relations. Because this illness was linked with the nervous system. To parents, generally because his nerves capacity to control the ejaculation was disrupted, said Dr Dr A Wardihan Sinrang, Ms to the Dawn in his office in the Unhas Rectorate, on Wednesday June 14. The man usually did not understand and only complained concerning the problem of the too fast ejaculation. In fact, that has been the sexual disturbance. Basically, the man that the premature ejaculation, could ereksi and carried out sexual relations but yes that earlier, too fast the ejaculation (reached the peak and issued sperm). The premature ejaculation, said Wardihan, was the inability to control the ejaculation so as to happen in a short time, that was not in accordance with his wish. Even was that the ejaculation, in fact penis could not penetration in the vagina. In dysfunction ereksi, sexual relations could not take place because ereksi was disturbed. Although being connected, but ereksi was still being lost. There were several theories of the cause of the premature ejaculation. Firstly, the habit achieved orgasm and the ejaculation
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