There was not one person then that knew the cause that was exact from content cancer. Although, was clear that this illness did not spread. There was not one person then that could "comprehend" cancer from the other person. Women who received this illness were more likely to have certain risk factors than other women. A risk factor was something that could increase the possibility of someone developing the illness. Most women who learned risk factors did not receive content cancer. To the other side, many that received this illness did not have these factors. Rare doctors could explain why a woman received content cancer whereas that was other not.
Studies found risk factors along with: the Age. Content cancer happened most to women were more than 50 years old. Endometrial hyperplasia. The risk of content cancer was higher if a woman had endometrial hyperplasia. This condition and his maintenance was discussed above. Pengganti therapy of the Hormone, Hormone replacement therapy (HRT). HRT was used controlled signs of menopause, prevented osteoporosis (penipisan bones), and reduced the risk of the heart disease or stroke. Women who used oestrogen without progesterone had an increase in the risk of content cancer. The long-term use and doses that were big from oestrogen apparently increased this risk. Women who used a combination of oestrogen and progesterone had a risk of content cancer that was lower than women who only used oestrogen then. Progesterone protected the content (the uterus).
Women must discuss benefits and risks from HRT with their doctors. Also, had inspections (checkups) in an orderly fashion when taking HRT could improve the possibility of the doctor of finding content cancer in the beginning stage, if he developed. Obesity and conditions that were connected dengany him. The body made some of his oestrogen in adipose tissue. So why fat women be more likely to than thin women had level-tinkat oestrogen that was higher in his bodies. Levels of high oestrogen possibly were his cause that fat women had an increase in the risk of developing content cancer. The risk of this illness was also higher to women with diabetes or hypertension (conditions that happened to many fat women).
Tamoxifen. Women who drank medicine tamoxifen to prevent or treat breasts cancer had an increase in the risk of content cancer. This risk apparently was connected with the effect that resembled oestrogen from this medicine in the content. Doctors supervised women that drank tamoxifen for the possibility of signs or signs from cancer kandunganb. Benefits from tamoxifen to treat breasts cancer more than the risk of the development of other cancers. Permanently, each woman was different. Any woman that considered to drink tamoxifen must discuss with his doctor about the medical history personal and his family and kekhwatiran-kekhwatiran him. The race. White people's women be more likely to than American women the African descendants got content cancer. Kolorektal cancer (Colorectal cancer). Women who received a form that was bequeathed from cancer kolorektal (colorectal cancer) had a higher risk of developing content cancer than other women. Other risk factors were connected with how long the body of a flattest woman to oestrogen. Women who did not have children, from menstruation in a very young age, or entered menopause late in flattest his life to oestrogen were longer and had a higher risk. Women with risk factors that were known and they that khwatir about content cancer must ask their doctors about signs that must be supervised and how many often did checkups.
Studies found risk factors along with: the Age. Content cancer happened most to women were more than 50 years old. Endometrial hyperplasia. The risk of content cancer was higher if a woman had endometrial hyperplasia. This condition and his maintenance was discussed above. Pengganti therapy of the Hormone, Hormone replacement therapy (HRT). HRT was used controlled signs of menopause, prevented osteoporosis (penipisan bones), and reduced the risk of the heart disease or stroke. Women who used oestrogen without progesterone had an increase in the risk of content cancer. The long-term use and doses that were big from oestrogen apparently increased this risk. Women who used a combination of oestrogen and progesterone had a risk of content cancer that was lower than women who only used oestrogen then. Progesterone protected the content (the uterus).
Women must discuss benefits and risks from HRT with their doctors. Also, had inspections (checkups) in an orderly fashion when taking HRT could improve the possibility of the doctor of finding content cancer in the beginning stage, if he developed. Obesity and conditions that were connected dengany him. The body made some of his oestrogen in adipose tissue. So why fat women be more likely to than thin women had level-tinkat oestrogen that was higher in his bodies. Levels of high oestrogen possibly were his cause that fat women had an increase in the risk of developing content cancer. The risk of this illness was also higher to women with diabetes or hypertension (conditions that happened to many fat women).
Tamoxifen. Women who drank medicine tamoxifen to prevent or treat breasts cancer had an increase in the risk of content cancer. This risk apparently was connected with the effect that resembled oestrogen from this medicine in the content. Doctors supervised women that drank tamoxifen for the possibility of signs or signs from cancer kandunganb. Benefits from tamoxifen to treat breasts cancer more than the risk of the development of other cancers. Permanently, each woman was different. Any woman that considered to drink tamoxifen must discuss with his doctor about the medical history personal and his family and kekhwatiran-kekhwatiran him. The race. White people's women be more likely to than American women the African descendants got content cancer. Kolorektal cancer (Colorectal cancer). Women who received a form that was bequeathed from cancer kolorektal (colorectal cancer) had a higher risk of developing content cancer than other women. Other risk factors were connected with how long the body of a flattest woman to oestrogen. Women who did not have children, from menstruation in a very young age, or entered menopause late in flattest his life to oestrogen were longer and had a higher risk. Women with risk factors that were known and they that khwatir about content cancer must ask their doctors about signs that must be supervised and how many often did checkups.
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